Thursday, October 21, 2010

The problem with high res screens!

Is that OSes don't support changing the font size well enough.

I was reminded of this problem today when one of Jason Snell tweets rumbled across my desktop.

Ever since purchasing a Mac Book Pro (Check out my lame unboxing if you're interested) I've had the same issue that @jsnell has, basically I am resizing apps all over the place. And the only application that really supports resizing well is the web browser, for the most part web pages etc respond brilliantly to resizing the text and with the exception of the occasional site that doesn't handle it so well (such as it works pretty well.

The main reason for this is the ease of resizing, on Windows its as easy as holding control and scrolling and on the Macbook its even easier, just pinch on the trackpad using that awesomely intuitive two finger action that the iPhone gave to the world.

But other apps? Forget about it. Sure in Word you can resize with the zoom feature and that makes the document better, but what if you want to temporarily resize the menus etc?

What about other apps? Using a Air Twitter app? Better hope that the developers have put in a good text resize method.

Really there should be a good OS solution to this. You should be able to temporarily zoom, what if you want to sit back in your chair while surfing? Sure you can change the screen resolution, but that doesn't work that well on LCDs. And besides it should be as easy as selecting the desktop and pinching or scrolling away to adjust the size.

I feel better now that I have that off my chest.

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