Thursday, October 28, 2010

The politeness of trams

Lies with the Bell.

Think about it a second, a tram dings you at the lights, it doesn't seem that bad. However if a car gives you a honk you instantly transform into a festering pile of meaty rage, The Oatmeal has summed it up quite nicely in picture form (you should really check out the whole comic)

But what cars don't have is (again summed up nicely by the Oatmeal) is a nice polite way to either let people know that they need to do something (ala the light honk above) or that they have been awesome. The Oatmeals prayers for a message board have been answered at ThinkGeek, but that doesn't solve the whole problem. How are you going to tell someone looking the other way something?

This is where trams excel, even when they are dinging their bell in anger it doesn't really seem like it. The "Murder-Pain-Wrath" that they may be projecting is totally nullified by the fact that its a ding.

The simple act of changing the sound makes the whole action go from

F!@$ YOU!!!!!!!

Jolly good show old chap, now if you wouldn't mind possibly getting out of my way that would be grand.

Ok, maybe its just me but thats how it seems.

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