Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Memristor Mind

I'm a sucker for the Memristor for some reason, I guess it goes back to my roots as an Electrical Engineer and Theoretical Chemist. It has such potential for a new breed of electrical circuitry from new higher density memory to previously impossible computing systems. This brings me to the article behind today's post A Mind Made from Memristors from IEEE Spectrum.

This is awesome news, awesome because even if this latest effort, to mimic the human mind, is a complete failure it speaks to the exciting new possibilities that this breakthrough in fundamental circuit elements exposes. Furthermore this research can lead to newer better architectures for computing and while people often doubt that the power of computing needs to grow at the speed that it does no one can deny the impact (both good and bad) that such massive computing power has allowed to happen.

If you can spare ten minutes or so I highly suggest reading the article A Mind Made from Memristors, it is a solid read but very interesting and goes into some great detail about the difficulties faced in mimicking the mind in hardware and software, particularly interesting is the insight that in the mind, software, hardware and memories effectively coexist, which means the processing doesn't require transferring data around and the software is constantly morphing.

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